Thursday, March 24, 2005

I just say 'Hello' from the vincinity of the city of the Euro - Frankfurt am Main. :) I am with eurobilltracker since 18 months now and have entered about 400 notes. I am still waiting for a hit - in Germany this is more difficult than in other countries.

Oh - I forgot something. Thank you for the invitation in this blog!
And have a look at this blog, if you know German language.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Y viva España

Hace pocos dias que España ultrapasó los Mil Usuarios. En hora buena a todos... y vamos España!

New EBT blog

There's a new blog dedicated to the EBT on this link. It belongs to haemoglobin, an user from Oldenburg (Germany), who entered till now 12012 Euro bills. He's ranked 13th on the German, and 72nd on the global lists.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Patto di stabilità, le modifiche preoccupano la Bce

La Bce «è seriamente preoccupata per le proposte di modifica del Patto di stabilità e di crescita» concordate nella notte dall'Ecofin. «Occorre evitare - sottolinea l'Istituto in un comunicato - che i cambiamenti portino a un indebolimento della fiducia nel quadro delle finanze pubbliche della Ue e nella loro sostenibilità».

Riguardo invece alle misure preventive contenute nella riforma del Patto, Francoforte sottolinea che «alcune proposte di modifica sono in linea con il suo possibile rafforzamento». L'Eurotower ribadisce inoltre che «politiche di bilancio sane e una politica monetaria orientata verso la stabilità dei prezzi sono fondamentali per il successo dell'Unione economica e monetaria».

Il Sole 24 Hore

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Milionário Oficial Português

O rei artur é o responsável pela tabela O Milionário Oficial Português, que ordena os participantes de Portugal por valor total das notas submetidas. Neste momento, a tabela é liderada por paulo67, com 78.295 euros.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Other EBT blogs

There's at least one other blog dedicated to the EuroBillTracker mania. It's in Dutch and it's called Burdie, after it's creator, a member with 18,411 notes entered (today's stats), who is in the 9th place in the ranking of the Netherlands and in the 42nd position in the Total ranking.

But there are many other blogs with at least references to the EBT. You can find a list in this site.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

EuroBillTracker na imprensa

Cada vez que se publica um artigo na imprensa, aumenta o número de inscritos no EuroBillTracker. Um trabalho publicado em Fevereiro no Correio da Manhã, um dos maiores diários portugueses, levou a uma chuva de novos participantes, com centenas de portugueses a se inscreverem nos dias posteriores à publicação do artigo. Essa "avalanche lusitana" fez com que Portugal ultrapassasse a Áustria e a França no ranking do EBT, instalando-se na quinta posição.

Monday, March 14, 2005

How to avoid the fake ones

It's a fact that the amount of fake Euro banknotes in circulation is growing, what makes higher the chance that me and you, at some point in the future, will touch a false one.

Genuine euro banknotes can be quickly identified. And you don’t need any special equipment to do so. You only need to check a few features. Just Feel the banknote, Look at it and Tilt it. If you’re still uncertain, compare it with one you know is genuine.

For more detailed information, please take a look at this site.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

I started tracking Euro bills about a month ago. Then, I realized I was a part of a big (and growing) community. I had the pleasure to watch the 50,000th person joining the train, and the 6.000.000th note being registered.

Today, the figures are:

Users .: 50,641
Notes .: 6,206,557

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